Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Five-Minute Story

Here is a post of the five-minute story exercise from in class.
I decided to follow this format to re-create my own type of mythological creation story, using Norse Gods as the characters.

The Five Minute Plot:

Loki wakes up in a cave, discovering that he has been eternally banished from the realm of the gods. He feels aggravated and vengeful, and wants to get back at Odin for banishing him, but he doesn’t know how to get back to the realm of the gods.

Loki goes off in search of gods who live on Earth, hoping he can find someone who can help him. He sends a beetle up to the heavens, but it is burned by the sun, and falls back to the ground, dead. He then sends up a raven, in the middle of the night, but it gets lost among the stars.

Frigg is enraged by the loss of her animals, and comes down to punish Loki. However, she is compassionate, even when Loki tricks her and tells her that he wants to get back up to the heavens so he may make her a shawl of raindrops. Flattered, Frigg sends him back to the realm of the gods on a cloud, only to await his return with the shawl.

But Loki does not return. He has what he wants, and, instead, dumps all the raindrops from the sky at once. Frigg is saddened by this, but knows that there is nothing she can do as long as he is safe in the heavens.

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